Testing ------- The *jenkins-autojobs* test suite needs a running Jenkins instance, pre-configured with the git, hg and svn plugins. To save you some of the trouble of doing that, there is an `all-in-one script`_ that will download `jenkins.war`_, bundle all necessary plugins and start a local server on ``http://localhost:60888``. .. code-block:: bash $ cd jenkins-autojobs/tests # start a jenkins server $ bin/start-jenkins.sh # if you want to gracefully shutdown the jenkins instance, either # kill the start-jenkins.sh process or send a 0 to localhost:60887 # (60887 is the winstone control port) $ killall start-jenkins.sh $ echo 0 | nc 60887 .. code-block:: bash $ cd jenkins-autojobs # make sure that the jenkins_autojobs package is available on # sys.path (python setup.py develop in a virtualenv) # run all tests $ py.test tests # run only git tests $ py.test tests/test_git.py # run all tests for all supported versions of python $ tox .. warning:: The test suite **removes all jobs** on the Jenkins server prior to running any tests. Todo ---- - The documentation still needs a lot of work. .. _python-jenkins: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-jenkins .. _`all-in-one script`: https://github.com/gvalkov/jenkins-autojobs/blob/master/tests/bin/start-jenkins.sh .. _jenkins.war: http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/war/latest/jenkins.war