$ cat config.yaml
jenkins:  http://jenkins.yourdomain.com
repo: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask.git
template: flask-master
namefmt: '{shortref}'
overwrite: true
enable: true

  - 'refs/heads/.*-maintenance'

  - 'refs/heads/feature/.*'
  - 'refs/heads/new-.*'

# dryrun with config inheritance debugging
$ jenkins-makejobs-git -nd config.yaml
loading config from "/tmp/config.yaml"

explicitly ignored:
 - refs/heads/0.3-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.5-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.6-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.7-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.8-maintenance

processing ref: refs/heads/feature/remove-jsonp
. job name: feature-remove-jsonp
. job exists: False
. job created
. config:
  . re: refs/heads/feature/.*
  . enable: enable
  . namefmt: {shortref}
  . template: flask-master
  . namesep: -
  . overwrite: True

processing ref: refs/heads/new-logging
. job name: new-logging
. job exists: False
. job created
. config:
  . re: refs/heads/new-.*
  . enable: enable
  . namefmt: {shortref}
  . template: flask-master
  . namesep: -
  . overwrite: True

processing ref: refs/heads/new-modules
. job name: new-modules
. job exists: False
. job created
. config:
  . re: refs/heads/new-.*
  . enable: enable
  . namefmt: {shortref}
  . template: flask-master
  . namesep: -
  . overwrite: True

processing ref: refs/heads/new-request-dispatching
. job name: new-request-dispatching
. job exists: False
. job created
. config:
  . re: refs/heads/new-.*
  . enable: enable
  . namefmt: {shortref}
  . template: flask-master
  . namesep: -
  . overwrite: True

$ jenkins-makejobs-git config.yaml
loading config from "/tmp/config.yaml"

explicitly ignored:
 - refs/heads/0.3-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.5-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.6-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.7-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.8-maintenance

processing ref: refs/heads/feature/remove-jsonp
. job name: feature-remove-jsonp
. job exists: False
. job created

processing ref: refs/heads/new-logging
. job name: new-logging
. job exists: False
. job created

processing ref: refs/heads/new-modules
. job name: new-modules
. job exists: False
. job created

processing ref: refs/heads/new-request-dispatching
. job name: new-request-dispatching
. job exists: False
. job created

# after modifying the template job
$ jenkins-makejobs-git config.yaml
loading config from "/home/gvalkov/tmp/config.yaml"

explicitly ignored:
 - refs/heads/0.3-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.5-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.6-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.7-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.8-maintenance

processing ref: refs/heads/feature/remove-jsonp
. job name: feature-remove-jsonp
. job exists: True
. job updated

processing ref: refs/heads/new-logging
. job name: new-logging
. job exists: True
. job updated

processing ref: refs/heads/new-modules
. job name: new-modules
. job exists: True
. job updated

processing ref: refs/heads/new-request-dispatching
. job name: new-request-dispatching
. job exists: True
. job updated

# subsequent runs
$ jenkins-makejobs-git config.yaml
loading config from "/tmp/config.yaml"

explicitly ignored:
 - refs/heads/0.3-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.5-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.6-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.7-maintenance
 - refs/heads/0.8-maintenance

processing ref: refs/heads/feature/remove-jsonp
. job name: feature-remove-jsonp
. job exists: True
. job does not need to be reconfigured

processing ref: refs/heads/new-logging
. job name: new-logging
. job exists: True
. job does not need to be reconfigured

processing ref: refs/heads/new-modules
. job name: new-modules
. job exists: True
. job does not need to be reconfigured

processing ref: refs/heads/new-request-dispatching
. job name: new-request-dispatching
. job exists: True
. job does not need to be reconfigured